Junior Members Step Up During COVID Crisis


We are now two months into one of the strangest semesters in the history of 1501 Sage Ave – as the pandemic continues to march across our campus, and the rest of the nation.  Thanks to the efforts of the Junior Membership President Zach Alexander ’21 and House Manger Matt Binshtock ’21 the s

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COVID is no Match for our Junior Members’ Commitment to RSE


As we approach the midpoint of a very unusual semester, with many Greek organizations not living in their houses, a limited number of students on campus, and with nearly all students taking at least some classes online, it is safe to say that RSE’s JMs are navigating unprecedented events. The RSE Clubhouse is unfortunately unoccupied

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RSE Foundation Donations, Possible Tax Deductions


Donating to The RSE Foundation in 2020 The CARES Act of 2020 may offer some tax advantages to our donors. Please consider these aspects when donating. Be sure to consult your tax professional to confirm their applicability to your specific situation. Taxpayers Taking The Standar

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RSE Receives Suede RSE Seal from Daughter of 1938 Alumnus


In September, Mrs. Barbara Towne Patterson shipped a suede RSE logo to the RSE Clubhouse. This unique seal belonged to her late father, Robert Dickinson Towne ‘38. She mentioned that he had always considered it an important piece of RSE memorabilia.  As you can see, the logo is

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