Capital Campaign

Our membership in RSE made an impact on every one of us. Whether it was learning personal and professional development, leadership, and critical life skills, or finding common ground and building life-long friendships, 1501 Sage Ave was a place where we belonged and grew as people at RPI. Today, RSE has an opportunity to forge a new path — one that preserves the values and bonds that we each cherish while creating the future version of traditional Greek life — an organization that can thrive on RPI’s campus by advancing our life-changing mission for students who are truly seeking its unique impact.
Join us in this effort to become part of RSE History.
Make a Pledge
Click the button below to fill out your online pledge form. Pledges are payable over up to five years, and interest-free pledge payments may be made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually according to your preference. You may submit a pledge at any time to let us know your intent, even without making an initial payment.
Mail a Check
Checks should be made payable to The RSE Foundation, Inc. with “Campaign Pledge Payment” in the memo line and mailed to our donation processing center listed below. Mail checks to this address:
The Rensselaer Society of Engineers
Alumni Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 7007
Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007
Give Online
Click the button below to make a one-time gift online, or to set up automatic recurring card payments. Please note that there is a 2.9% credit card processing fee for all gifts made online. Donors have the option to help RSE cover costs on the giving form, but are encouraged to send checks to avoid the extra charge.
Alternative Giving Methods
Click the button below to read about our options for planned and major giving including gifts of stock, estate planning, memorial gifts, gifts of life insurance, and more.
Learn More
Learn more about the “Fortifying an Independent RSE” Capital Campaign by reading our Campaign Brochure, which includes our case for support, use of funds, and more important information.
Giving Levels
Independent Innovators – $1,000,000
John M. Lockhart “Builder” – $500,000
The Bertram G. Goodhue Circle – $250,000
The 1924 Centennial Society – $100,000
The Edwin S. Jarrett Club – $50,000
The Founders Club – $25,000
Team Lombard Pozzi – $10,000
1501 Sage Supporters – $5,000
Friends of Pi Eta – $1,000
Trophy Hall Gathering – Other amount
Thank you for giving back!
Gifts to The RSE Foundation can be tax-deductible. All donations are considered final and are non-refundable. The information contained herein should not be relied upon for personal, legal, or financial decisions and you should consult your own advisor for specific advice tailored to your situation.