Introducing the Alumni Mentoring Program


The Alumni Advisory Committee (AAC) has been making considerable progress on alumni involvement in the past weeks. We have been assessing several options for alumni to engage with the Society and current students. We know that you have busy lives, so we want to create opportunities for alumni engagement that will fit even the tightest

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February 2021 RSE Alumni Retreat Further Develops RSE 3.0


RSE Alumni convened virtually in the February 2021 Retreat to discuss the progress on RSE 3.0, RSE’s strategic plan. Over 80 alumni registered for the retreat and over 50 attended the Saturday February 20, 2021 four  hour discussion. The first half of the meeting centered around the current progress of the Alumni Advisory Co

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REO Update February 2021


Even in a pandemic, life at RSE continues on. Our primary asset, the National Register of Historic Places registered 1501 Sage Ave, continues to wait for the return of RSE members to the building. As part of the AAC work we are excited to be discussing future possibilities for our historic structure. There are always some issue

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Continuing the Dialog with RPI January 2021


The RSE Trustees continue to work with the RPI administration to get RSE reinstated. RPI Dean of Students, Travis Apgar, recently asked to meet with our current Junior Members (JMs) to get their perspective on having RSE emerge on a more academic and career-oriented organization. The Junior Members, led by President Za

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