AAC October 2022 Update


Don Thoma '83 hosted the October 2022 AAC update. Twenty-three (23) alumni attended ranging in class years from 1963 to 2015. Don reviewed the new RSE concepts and discussed ongoing recruitment efforts and well as the continuing projects with MBA students. Over the

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2022 Alumni Work Weekend


A number of alumni met at the House on the weekend of August 5-7, 2022, to prepare the Clubhouse for re-launching in-person campus activities in the Fall semester.  Trustee Charlie Adkins ’94 brought a long list of projects to the weekend, many of which were a continuati

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A Seasoned Engineer’s Look Back to his Time at RSE


Roger L. Whiteley ’52 is an accomplished engineer and alumnus of RSE. The building and the community looked much different at the dawn of the 1950s, but the formative experiences and friendships that Whiteley had at the time remain the same at RSE today. Here’s a look i

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New Annual Dues and Donor Levels for 2023


July 1, 2022 marks the beginning of RSE fiscal year 2023, and with the increasing costs related to our website and newsletter publications, we made the difficult decision to raise the yearly RSE Alumni Membership dues from $60 to $75.  Our goal has always been to keep the regular membership dues affordable and they have not increased

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