Join us for the 1501 Sage Centennial Celebration September 27-29, 2024!

See Who's Coming =>

If you missed the eclipse or the cicadas, don’t miss the 1501 Centennial!!!

The packed weekend of activities includes:

Friday night

  • Check-in reception
  • Hosted social space at the hotel venue for our members to reconnect over drinks, cards, and games.


  • Speakers and events during the day
  • Catered dinner on the front lawn in the evening
    • Beef Rib w/ Porter Sauce or
    • Stuffed Chicken and apple stuffing topped with apple brandy sauce
  • Hosted social space at the hotel venue for our members to reconnect over drinks, cards, and games.


  • Brunch reception back at the house to send us home in style.

Looking for your friends who will be there, click HERE!